Lawyers are people who help you when you have a disagreement or if something terrible happens. They work hard to resolve problems and speak in court for you.

Unfortunately, these time-consuming duties may frequently interfere with one of the essential attorney functions: client intake. But what is client intake, and what’s so important to know about the intake process? This post will explain the ins and outs of client intake, so you’ll be ready when it’s time to work with an attorney.

What is Client Intake?
Client intake is when a law firm gathers information about a potential client to assess whether the firm can represent them. The purpose of this initial meeting is twofold:
To gather enough information about the potential client to determine if they have a legal issue that the firm can help solve.

To assess whether the potential client is likely to become a paying client of the law firm.
The intake process typically begins with an initial phone call, during which the potential client will provide some basic information about their situation. The lawyer or paralegal who takes this call will then ask more detailed questions to understand better what’s going on.

From there, an attorney may determine that the potential client should come in for an in-person meeting so that the attorney can further evaluate their case.

The law firm will not charge for the initial phone call or meeting in most cases. It is illegal for a firm to set any fee at this stage in the process unless they have signed a legal retainer agreement with you which specifies that there will be fees should the case proceed to court.
What’s So Important About Client Intake?

Client intake is an essential first step because it helps attorneys determine whether their office can take on your specific case and what kind of representation would best suit you as a client.

Without proper client intake, clients may end up working with an attorney who does not possess sufficient experience dealing with cases like theirs – essentially wasting everyone’s time and efforts from the get-go!

Clients also benefit from completing thorough intakes to know what they’re getting into and how much it will cost them.
Client intake is also essential for attorneys because it helps them determine whether you’ll be a paying client. Some people drop off the radar after their consultation only to make an appearance when the case has progressed too far for your original attorney to handle. Attorneys prevent this by creating an intake process.
In Conclusion

We know all about intakes at Carson City Law Office. We’ve been doing them since day one! Our years of experience mean that we can quickly and easily assess whether we can help you with your legal issue, saving you time and hassle in the long run.

If you’re in Carson City and need a lawyer, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about client intake and our process.

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